Safety Guidelines       

Safety Guidelines for all Members

1. The leader should appoint a back marker who will remain in that position at all times during the walk. If the number of walkers exceeds 25 it is recommended that an additional marker be appointed in the middle of the group.

2. The leader must ensure that all members are aware of a change of direction.

3.  No member should walk ahead of the leader.

4.  Every member should ideally carry a whistle. If for any reason a member decides it is necessary to stop the walk, that member should blow the whistle. Other members along the line will repeat the whistle until the leader halts the walk. In case of emergency, but not otherwise, blow 6 long blasts on the whistle followed by a 10 second pause and repeat the procedure until help arrives.

5.  It is further recommended that the leading group do not proceed too far ahead of those to the rear, allowing sufficient time for any  tail enders to catch up.     

6.  The leader should ensure that when going through gates, an instruction is passed down the line to tail enders confirming whether gate is to be closed or left open.

7.  When walking on roads, walk in single file, on the right, facing oncoming traffic unless it is unsafe to do so.

8.  Any member who possesses a mobile phone is asked to carry it with them.

In addition to the foregoing it should be noted that:

Walk leaders hold no responsibility for accidents which occur whilst taking part in club walks and you participate at your own risk. Members have a responsibility to take all reasonable steps to eliminate the potential for accidents to arise.

Walkers should wear clothing and footwear appropriate to the season/conditions and it is recommended that members carry a lightweight survival blanket and basic first aid kit. If anyone is in doubt about what a walk entails and their ability to complete it they should telephone the leader beforehand.

It is recommended that anyone with a significant health condition carries with them details of any such condition, medication and ideally details of their GP or hospital consultant.

For your own safety and that of your fellow walkers your co-operation in observing these guidelines will be greatly appreciated. 

Bodenham Ramblers Walking Group is covered by Protectivity Insurance for public liability and professional indemnity.  Personal accident insurance is not included on this policy.

Access Accident Form here.

 Bodenham Ramblers Committee          14th August 2021          Reviewed 29 April 2024