Membership &


Club Constitution - updated August 2020


The club shall be called the Bodenham Ramblers, herein after referred to as the Club.


To foster and promote walking, providing opportunities for recreation and knowledge and care of the countryside.


Membership of the Club shall be open to anyone interested in its Objectives and on payment of the annual subscription. All members shall be bound by the Club’s constitution.

There shall be three classes of membership (i) Full members who are regular walkers, (ii) Social membership open to partners of walkers, former walkers and friends, and (iii) Life members who are appointed at the Annual General Meeting The membership may be restricted to such numbers as the Committee decides.


The subscription shall be decided annually at the Annual General Meeting and be payable within one month of that meeting.


The club operates a data protection policy and one month after membership lapses, member contact details will be deleted.


The Officers of the Club shall be Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.


All Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club, from and by the Members of the Club. All Officers are elected for a period of one year, but may be re-elected to the same office or another office the following year, but would not be expected to serve for more than three consecutive years in any one office.


The affairs of the Club shall be controlled by a Committee comprising the Officers of the Club, the Walks Co-ordinator and one or two members elected at the Annual General Meeting, plus such others as are co-opted for specific responsibilities, including any vacancies which arise during the year.

The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping accurate accounts of the finances of the Club and presenting these at the Annual General Meeting. The Club shall maintain a bank account and the following officers shall be authorised to sign cheques: any two from Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary.  

The Treasurer, as primary user, can operate the account individually for internet banking. The treasurer is accountable to the committee and will show the committee the bank statements at each meeting.

The Secretary shall be responsible for producing the minutes of the Annual General Meeting and keeping minutes of Committee meetings.

The Committee shall make decisions on behalf of the Club on the basis of a simple majority vote, if necessary the Chairman having an additional casting vote.


The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held not later than the end of March each year. All members shall be given written notice of the meeting.

The business of the meeting shall be to:

a). Confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and any Extraordinary General Meetings held since the last Annual General Meeting.

b). Receive the Chairman’s Annual Report.

c). Receive the accounts for the year from the Treasurer.

d). Elect the Officers of the Club, i.e. Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer, and Committee members.

e). Transact such other business as has been received prior to the meeting or is raised from the floor.

Extra-ordinary General Meetings may be convened by the Committee, or on receipt by the Secretary of a request in writing from not less than 25% of the full members of the Club.

At all General Meetings, the chair will be taken by the Chairman or, in their absence, by a deputy appointed by the Club or by members attending the meeting. Decisions at a General Meeting shall be by a simple majority vote of those members attending the meeting, or by the additional casting vote of the Chairman.


Any proposed alterations to the Club Constitution may be considered at an Annual or Special General Meeting. Any alteration or amendment must be proposed by a Full or Life Member and seconded by another Full or Life Member. Such alterations shall be passed if supported by not less than two-thirds of those Full and Life Members present at the meeting. Any such alteration shall be immediately effective.


If the Committee at any time resolves that it is impossible or undesirable to continue as a Club, it shall notify the members and convene a Special General Meeting. If this meeting resolves that the Club be dissolved, the Committee shall inform all members forthwith and all activities of the Club shall cease. After the members have discharged all debts and liabilities of the Club, the remaining assets shall be given or transferred to some other voluntary organisation having objectives similar to those of the Club, as decided at the Special General Meeting.